Critical Communication Systems

As offshore telecommunications specialists, we set up critical communication systems for demanding work environments offshore.

Critical communication systems are vital for running safe operations offshore and keeping your workers and facilities safe and secure at all times.

We can build an integrated solution that covers both radio, telephone and VCCS systems used for Air Traffic control, as well as LTE networks for vessels and handheld mobile devices. With a solid backbone system and built-in redundancy, we ensure that your assets and workers are connected 24/7 and are prepared to respond promptly in the event of an emergency.

We always work in close partnership with you as a client to design a solution that fits your organisation's emergency response plan.

Critical communication systems:

  • Radio systems: TETRA, DMR, VHF/UHF, RoIP (both handheld and fixed solutions)
  • VCCS systems: Integrated traffic control for reliable air and maritime communication
  • Telephone systems: IP, VoIP, DECT, PABX
  • 4G/5G: Wireless network for mobile devices and vessels

Technical features:

  • ​​Reliable backbone system – based on microwave, satellite or fiber optic technology
  • Built-in redundancy
  • ​ATEX-certified equipment, approved for use in hazardous environments
  • Air traffic control systems

Turnkey solutions:

  • Design and engineering: on-site survey, capacity analysis, detailed drawings according to industry standards, license and product acquisition and more.
  • Installation: factory acceptance testing, full documentation and training of staff.
  • Service and maintenance: 24/7 support, on-site technical assistance, system monitoring with ongoing upgrades, inspections and data security checks.

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